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Author: Julia Voloshchenko, PR professional and Editor-in-Chief of the Usetech blog. Expert in media relations and branding. I write about technology and business.

Artificial Intelligence is a topic that is frequently featured in the news. The authors talk about the active development and spread of this technology, mentioning what benefits businesses will get if they work with Artificial Intelligence. But what about the emerging risks? In this article, we interviewed several experts about what they think are the risks of using Artificial Intelligence.

Risk #1: Reduction or loss of jobs

This risk was mostly prevalent among marketers, PR professionals, copywriters, and anyone involved in communications. But it is possible that AI, which affects virtually all areas of human life, could lead to job cuts or loss.

Here’s what Anar Mammadov, the owner and CEO of Senpex Technology, thinks:

“One concern is the potential displacement of the human workforce by AI-powered automation. AI technologies have the capability to automate various tasks, leading to job losses and cuts in the workforce.”

Another expert, Krzysztof Sopyla, Head of Machine Learning and Data Engineering at STX Next, adds:

“AI’s automation capabilities have the potential to disrupt job markets and redefine professional roles. While AI can enhance efficiency and productivity, it may also lead to job displacement and the need for reskilling or upskilling. Additionally, ethical concerns surrounding the use of AI in decision-making processes need to be addressed to ensure fairness and transparency.”

But there is another point of view. For example, Ilya Smirnov, head of AI/ML Departments at Usetech, thinks differently:

“AI most likely cannot replace professions — it will only be a good assistant. Many employees turn to search engines for information when solving tasks. ChatGPT and similar technologies are only different in that they respond to the request.

It’s important to understand that AI doesn’t create anything new. It lacks the element of creativity. After all, creativity is an exclusively human thing. Where people are just cogs in the system, in purely mechanical work, AI can really replace humans. But those who create something new in their work have nothing to worry about.”

Risk #2: Privacy and data security issues

Another risk is related to data security and privacy, as confirmed by several experts.

“AI’s pervasive presence in our personal lives raises concerns regarding privacy, security, and autonomy. With AI-powered devices collecting vast amounts of personal data, there is a risk of unauthorized access and misuse. Moreover, the increasing reliance on AI algorithms for decision-making can potentially compromise individual autonomy and perpetuate biases.” — notes Krzysztof Sopyla.

Gregory Rozdeba, Co-Founder and President at Dundas Life, confirms this risk and offers companies a solution to this problem:

“The use of AI involves the collection and analysis of vast amounts of personal data. Handling can ensure privacy and protect individuals from data breaches or misuse. For instance, AI-powered surveillance systems may invade personal privacy without consent. Organizations should implement robust data privacy and security measures. It includes adhering to privacy regulations, employing encryption techniques, and ensuring informed consent when collecting personal data. Regular audits and external security assessments can help identify vulnerabilities and strengthen safeguards.”

Risk #3: Ethical issues

The experts also touched on such topics as ethical risks and their impact on both organizations and individual lives.

Jeff Mains, CEO at Champion Leadership Group, notes:

“One of the significant concerns about AI was that there are ethical concerns surrounding it, such as bias and discrimination in algorithms, which can perpetuate existing societal inequalities. Implementing transparent and accountable AI systems, regularly auditing algorithms for biases, and promoting diversity in AI development teams can help mitigate the risks of discrimination.”

“Governments, organizations, and AI developers should collaborate to establish ethical guidelines and regulations for AI implementation. These frameworks can ensure fairness, transparency, and accountability in AI systems. Initiatives like the EU’s General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) and the development of ethical AI principles by organizations are steps in the right direction.” Gregory Rozdeba, Co-Founder and President at Dundas Life, adds.

Risk #4: Lack of human control can lead to unintended consequences

The lack of human control, the fear of AI going out of bounds, is perhaps one of the highest priorities. Who knows what might happen? We have seen fantastic examples in various movies and the unintended consequences of AI behavior.

Experts note that rash and excessive use of AI can lead to negative consequences and errors. Still, AI should be an assistant in finding solutions or an assistant in routine tasks.

Krzysztof Sopyla notes that risk mitigation requires an “ongoing monitoring and evaluation process to detect and correct any unintended consequences or distortions caused by AI systems.”

Risk #5: Introducing AI for training can affect the quality of training

One interesting point of view: AI can affect the quality of learning and change the learning approach. Anthony Clemons, Graduate Teaching Assistant and Ph.D./M.S. student in the Instructional Technology program at Northern Illinois University, talks about this, drawing on his experience and numerous studies:

“When implementing AI systems for training, there’s a risk of unintentionally prioritizing certain instructional approaches. This bias can lead to unequal learning outcomes, and consequently, a variance in employee knowledge. This disparity, if unaddressed, can negatively impact an organization’s revenue.

Furthermore, any misuse or inherent bias in AI application can significantly harm an organization’s reputation and undermine employee morale. This risk becomes particularly pronounced when AI is harnessed to produce content without the careful supervision of a skilled professional.

In light of these concerns, it is vital to approach the use of AI thoughtfully and responsibly. Organizations need to devise strategies for training their workforce effectively in order to utilize these tools optimally. Key aspects include understanding how to engineer prompts correctly, selecting the most suitable vendor and platform, and engaging business development teams in discussions aimed at addressing and mitigating these risks.”

To summarize

We see that the possibilities of AI are vast, and certainly this technology will evolve further, collaborating with ML or Data Science. But we must be aware that in addition to the advantages, there may also be disadvantages, in the form of the risks described above. If business owners pay attention to this, their experience with AI will be exceptionally positive.

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