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Innovative technologies lead to global transformations in the competitive landscape. To maintain their competitiveness, companies are forced not only to be aware of events, but also to promptly introduce advanced technologies into their own business. But how can you track all business trends and stay afloat in a highly competitive market?

The first thing that comes to mind is IT consulting. These are highly professional IT consulting services provided by consulting or IT companies using modern information technologies in their own business. It helps to increase the efficiency of business processes, gain competitive advantages from introducing and applying IT technology, and reduce the cost of implementing any IT solutions within the current business.

Usetech helps businesses identify growth points and think through a development strategy based on modern technologies and approaches.

What services do we offer?

IT Consulting Services

Usetech can help improve the efficiency of your business, optimize your time and resources, and save finances.

Benefits of IT consulting for your business

— Return on investment

— Introduction of advanced technologies

— Access to broad knowledge bases.

Software Development Consulting Services

Providing clients with technology that caters to their requirements is part of software consulting services. This type of consulting also assists the customer with creating an idea and giving them a better understanding of it. Customers are shown the directions in which they should move.

If you are interested in consulting on software development, our specialists are ready to help you.


— Enhanced effectiveness

— Increased savings in expenses

— Increased safety

— Process improvements

— Improved user experience.

Mobile App Development Consulting Services

Mobile app development consulting services provide businesses with distinctive concepts and plans for applications that enable them to gain an edge over their competitors. These services assist businesses in expanding their market by conducting extensive research. Before beginning the app creation procedure, the app consultation will provide suggestions from professionals.


— Establishing a precise mobile strategy

— A thorough analysis of competitors

— Consultations regarding MVP improvements to make a profit

— Market entry plan.

DevOps Consulting Services

Enlisting the help of a professional team to bring DevOps best practices to a project’s software creation and distribution process is what DevOps IT consulting services encompass. Usetech provides direction, tactics and technical expertise to improve the efficiency and standard of software development.


— Streamlining the software creation procedure, which leads to faster upgrades and releases
— Encouraging cooperation among development and operations teams, resulting in greater interaction and quicker issue solving
— Identifying and eliminating error-prone manual processes, leading to fewer errors.

Data Science Consulting Services

Data Science is the research of Big Data processing. Big Data is a massive amount of disorganized data. That is why Data Science tools and skills may be valuable. The main objective of data experts is to help businesses find the best data science tools for their mission to maximize the effectiveness of the business.

Our specialists are professionals with many years of experience in working with Big Data. They are ready to analyze your request and suggest the right solution.


— Using ML and AI to automate data analysis and thus improve the predictability of business and decision-making processes

— Risk assessment and prevention

— Huge possibilities for privacy and hyper-personalization of goods and services, i.e., providing enhanced client approach.

Business Intelligence Consulting Services

Business Intelligence (BI) consulting is all about assisting a company in implementing different structures and processes to improve data management and processing. A company has a better chance of completing data growth faster if it hires BI consultants.


— Bringing knowledge and objectivity, which aids in evaluating the unique requirements of the business

— A streamlined strategy to integrate a BI system into the business

— Improved visibility into different business functions

— Greater likelihood of steering the growth through the right strategy.

Big Data Consulting Services

Data analytics assists clients in making important business decisions, forecasting, and strategic planning. Many small businesses are considering using Big Data to establish a competitive advantage.


— Savings optimization and assisting its clients in establishing their operations

— End-to-end efficiency and help in solving big data problems

— Technical knowledge

— In-depth analysis without bias.

Cloud Consulting Services

Cloud technology is the on-demand delivery of IT assets over the internet (cloud) to a linked pool of IT assets, such as servers, apps, networks, and services.  The task of consulting is to analyze specific existing engineering and software solutions to eliminate risks, reduce costs and increase the fault tolerance of systems not only at the moment but also in the future.


— Affordability. When you use cloud assistance for your company, you save money on network upkeep

— Pricing flexibility and scaling. When you work with a flexible cloud consulting agency, you can set your price for the services

— Backups of extra data

— Software updates are performed automatically.

Didn’t find a suitable service in the list? Contact us and tell us about your request, and we will tell you how we can help!

Why Choose Usetech ?

Usetech is a global corporation for the Manufacturing, Agricultural and Oil & Gas industries with unique expertise in AI and Data Science. The company has implemented more than 80 turnkey cases across an innovative technology stack and has deep expertise in Data Warehouse (DWH), Big Data, Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning (AI/ML), Business intelligence (BI), Predictive analytics, Digital Twins, Data Lake, IoT.
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people work in the company
A large team of experts in the fields of AI, Data Science, Big Data and others, will develop an effective solution for you based on your requests
years on the market
Since 2006, we have been creating working solutions for your business
completed projects
We have implemented more than two thousand projects in various areas: Oil&Gas, Manufacturing, FinTech, Retail, Agriculture, etc.
Top 10 BI / Big Data Consulting Companies in the United Arab Emirates
Top Artificial Intelligence (AI) Development Companies
Top IoT Development Companies in the United Arab Emirates
Silver Award Winner of The Globee Business Awards

Working with Usetech

Cost savings

Throughout the entire solution development phase, our team keeps in touch with you and is ready to provide detailed progress reports. Usetech has extensive experience in working with various technologies and methods, which allows us to choose an individual approach to each solution and guarantee high quality of services provided.

Expertise and professionalism

Usetech has extensive experience in the fields of AI, Data Science, Big Data, BI, Data Lake, Digital Twins, etc. Our specialists are professionals in their field, possessing various methods and tools, as well as experience in Oil&Gas, Manufacturing, Agriculture and other spheres. This allows us to choose an individual approach to each solution and guarantee high quality of services provided.

Comfortable and transparent communication

Our team stays in touch with you throughout the work phase and is available to provide detailed progress reports.

our stack

To ensure high performance, flexible architecture and enhanced security, we use the following technologies. This helps our clients achieve their business goals and keep up with new technologies.
Image: React React
React, Redux, Redux-Saga, RxJS, React-Native, ThreeJS, NextJS
Image: Vue.js Vue.js
Vue.js, Vuex, Vue Router, NuxtJS, Vue CLI, Vue Meta
Image: JavaScript JavaScript
Material, Ant Design, Apollo GraphQL, Protractor, Jasmine, Jest, Enzyme
Image: Angular Angular
Angular, NgRx, NGXS, MobX, Formly, Ionic

let’s work with us

Tell us more about your request by leaving the application in the contact form below, and our team will contact you.
What do you do? Tell us about your company. Who are your competitors?
What is your task? What do you want to achieve in the near future? What's stopping you?
How do you see the solution to the problem? How do you plan to achieve your goals? What solutions have you tried before?
What are your expectations for the result? In what form do you want to see the solution to your problem? At what time? Why is it important? What should it look like?
How much money are you planning to spend? What is your budget? Why are you willing to spend this amount?